Mathematical Education, Integers and Decimal Numbers, Basic Education, TechnologiesAbstract
Seeking to contribute to research in Mathematics Education, delimiting the field of studies to the Whole and Decimal Numbers, here is presented the results of a proposal, to promote the use of technologies in Mathematics teaching, which aimed to help students in understanding the contents of Numbers Integer - Decimals and their operations. The proposal consisted in the adaptation and application of a trail game in digital format, using Excel software. The participants were students between 11 and 13 years old, from a public school in Paraná. Happening in three moments: Pre-test, Proposal and Post-test, allowed a view of the students' understandings about the content, before and after the application of the proposal. At the end, it is concluded that the students have considerable abilities regarding the use of algorithms of the addition of integers and decimals, already in the use of the subtraction operation, in the same context, presented considerable difficulties, which were considerably remedied after the application of the proposal.
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