Mathematics teaching, Teachers initial formation, Internship, Teachers knowledge, Professional identityAbstract
In 2016, a master's degree research was carried out in the area of Teaching, which analyzed the supervised curriculum internship contribution in the construction process of teaching knowledge of trainees. From this research, the present article proposes to bring a cut, in order to socialize the relations between the teacher knowledge and the construction of the teacher identity. From this research, the present article proposes a cut of the analytical work, in order to socialize the relations between the teaching knowledge and the construction of the teaching identity, revealed in the discourse of the trainees. The field research was realized with seven Mathematics Degree Course of Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology from Mato Grosso Campus Campo Novo do Parecis, in the year of 2016. The data was produced on semi structured interviews, subjected to analytical examinations of Discursive Textual Analysis, proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2016). The results allowed the relation between the developed and the mobilized knowledge of the Mathematics Course students through the internship and the building of teacher’s identity. After all, although in an incipient way, mediated by others (teachers, students, family, educational institutions), each trainee student started his/her identity process, building the ways of being in this profession.
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