Teaching work, Teacher formation, Portuguese language, Professional educationAbstract
This paper presents the findings of a research carried in 2015 and 2016. This study was inspired by the demand for research on the subject of language and work. It was supported by PROPES/IFMT and FAPEMAT. The research aimed at investigating in what way the Portuguese Language teachers represent their professional formation, as well as, their teaching practices. This study also aims at contributing, from the results, with the development of reflexive actions and intervention for the improvement of the work of the educators in the institutions with profile of professional formation, as it is the case of the IFMT. A questionnaire was constructed as instrument of data gathering and anchored at Google docs, subsequently, it was sent to all Portuguese language educators. The texts produced by the educators revealed articulated voices concerning the topics, such as, the formation for the Portuguese Language at the professional education, textual genres, constraints for acting in the professional formation courses. The results revealed the Portuguese language teaching at campi of the IFMT follows the new paradigms of language teaching, nonetheless, it is needed to construct in a collective work, a progression of genres aiming at developing of capacities for the future professional practices of the students.
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