Supervised Internship, Music Teaching, UFMA, High schoolAbstract
The present work is an experience report that discusses the concept and challenges of the Supervised Internship in Music teaching, involving the relationship between University – School – Academic. It also addresses the importance of the internship experience and its influence on the formation of the personality of future music teachers. Thus, this article aims to reflect on the importance of the Supervised Internship and its challenges, targeting the Supervised Internship of the Degree in Languages and Codes - Music, at the São Bernardo Science Center, at the Federal University of Maranhão, carried out in high school, at the Centro de Ensino Prefeito Dionilo Gonçalves Costa school, in the city of Magalhães de Almeida - MA. Through the activities described in this work, we consider the internship as an activity that brings together the skills and knowledge obtained during the course, making it challenging for the student, the future teacher. We consider extremely important the interaction between University and School in this process. As a result, we observed the absence of the Music discipline in Basic Education in the region's schools, making the Arts classes mostly in the Visual Arts language, becoming an obstacle for the Music degree intern.
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