Soil education, Teaching, School geography, Pedagogical workshopsAbstract
When carrying out investigations on teaching practices in basic education, it is concluded that changes are necessary, in view of the methodology that does not correspond to the reality that students yearn for. Students often report that classes are dull and uninteresting. The teacher is required to have an engaging didactic that encourages participation. Therefore, in this research, we will present dynamic resources in the teaching of Geography, for the landscape and soil contents, due to the teachers' report about the frequent dispersion and disinterest of students in classes on this theme. In view of this, we propose learning situations through pedagogical workshops, aiming to encourage spatial thinking and geographical reasoning, mobilizing knowledge for a broader and more critical reading/interpretation of the "landscape" associating it with the importance of the "ground" for recognition of sustainable attitudes in the environment, in a methodological path from stages defined as diagnosis, planning, intervention and learning evaluation. As a result, it was observed that the use of pedagogical workshops in the teaching-learning process, aroused greater interest and collaboration among those involved, and proved to be an influential teaching practice for didactic improvement, providing opportunities for engaging learning situations, generating spaces for dialogue, exchange of experiences and construction of knowledge.
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