Gamification, Motivation, ARCS, Physics educationAbstract
This article presents a research cut of a stricto sensu postgraduate. Its purpose is to investigate the quality of motivation provided by gamification in geometric optics classes, a branch of Physics. Regarding the methodological aspects, a case study was carried out with 16 students. In assessing motivation, the Instructional Materials Motivation Scale (IMMS), proposed by John Keller in the ARCS motivation model (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction), was used. The results showed a high percentage of agreement in the four categories, revealing that the students were more self-confident, as they realized that they were progressing through their own effort, and were satisfied with completing the proposed missions. That said, it is possible to conclude that the gamification of the classroom provided sufficient empirical evidence to attest that its implementation motivated the students.
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