Musical education, Methodology of learning, InterdisciplinarityAbstract
Music education gives the individual access to art, as music, and to knowledge. The present work aims to bring to the field of reflection the need to educate in art / music in an interdisciplinary way adopting the methodologies of musical educators: Emile Jacques Dalcroze; Zoltán Kodály; Carl Orff; Shinichi Suzuki and Keith Swanwick, associated with the "Triangular" approach of Ana Mae Barbosa, proposed in the National Curricular Parameters, (BRASIL, 1997). This proposal consists in teaching art considering the 'do', 'fruir' and 'contextualize' the artistic object. This learning methodology is qualitative because it is a subjective analysis of how much the learner learns. As a result of this association of methodological approaches, add meanings to the educational process and, at the same time, instrumentalize the teaching of Art / music with meanings of other artistic languages, such as dance and visual arts. Moreover, expanding the senses of the contents with a view to a musical education methodologically seated in meaningful learning.
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