Physics issues linked to biology teaching: interdisciplinary relations from the perspective of high school teachers





Interdisciplinarity, Brazilian Education, Scientific Education


This article analyzes how physical theories can be applied to biological problems and the importance of these applications from the teacher's perspective. Based on the authors Fazenda and Japíassu (1994). It is qualitative research that included interviews with three high school biology teachers, whose responses were analyzed using the interpretive data technique, content analysis according to Bardin (2016). The results showed that, although they understand the concept of interdisciplinarity, the teachers faced difficulties in applying it, due to a lack of practical knowledge and time for pedagogical innovations. Factors such as the teachers' specific training and work overload contributed to this fragmented view. It is recommended to use continuous teacher training strategies, as well as pilot projects that can serve as models for more effective implementation of interdisciplinarity.


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Author Biographies

Aura Karina Torres Berdugo, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas

Mestranda em Educação em Ciências (PPGEEC) na Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA). Licenciada em Biologia e Química pela Universidade do Atlântico, Barranquilla, Colômbia.

Antonio Sarmento Barreto, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas

Student at the State University of Amazonas, pursuing a degree in Biological Sciences, during the year 2018-2019. Worked as an intern at the State University of Amazonas, Higher School of Health, in the cytogenetics laboratory.

Josefina Diosdada Barrera Kalhil, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Education) from the University of Matanzas, Cuba (2003). Master's in Higher Education Sciences from the University of Matanzas, Cuba (1998). Certified by the Federal University of Bahia, under registration number 341, in Registration Book 37-B with number 2278. Holds a degree in Physics (1979) from Matanzas, Cuba. More than 15 specializations in various fields of Physics Education and Pedagogy. Works as a Professor at the State University of Amazonas (UEA), Manaus, Brazil, as an associate professor since 2018. She is a professor in the Master's Program in Science Education in the Amazon and coordinator of the Amazonas branch of the doctoral network in Science and Mathematics Education (REAMEC). Post-doctorate in Physics Didactics in Mexico. She has experience in the field of Physics, with an emphasis on General and Applied Physics in Undergraduate and Engineering courses. She also works in areas such as Didactics, Teacher Training, and Scientific Research Methodology, among others. She has supervised over 18 Master's theses and 15 Doctoral dissertations. She has taught postgraduate courses in various countries, including Brazil, Mexico, and Bolivia. She has published more than 8 books in Brazil and 2 in Cuba. She has participated in over 37 international conferences, 18 of them as a Special Guest. She is a specialist in Research Skills Development in Higher Education. Member of the Editorial Committee of the Latin American Journal of Physics Education, based in Mexico, and a reviewer for journals such as "Ciência e Educação," "Ensino de Física" in Brazil, and RBEP. She is part of the doctoral board for distance education at the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (IPN). She is a member of the organizing committee of the XIX National Symposium on Physics Education and the LASERA Conference. Coordinator and faculty member of the Doctoral Program in Science Education Networks of the Amazon, Manaus branch. Full Professor at the State University of Amazonas. Member of the Brazilian Society of Physics, with the membership number 23703. She has published articles in national and international journals. She is vice-chair of LASERA International and president of LASERA Manaus. She is involved in the UEA-Samsung STEM Academy project and the Inter-American RIED: OAS STEM/STEAM project. Full professor at UEA.

Sandra de Oliveira Botelho, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas

Master's degree in Academic Master's Program in Education and Teaching of Sciences in the Amazon from the State University of Amazonas (2020). Specialist in Methodology of Teaching Sciences in the Amazon from the State University of Amazonas (2015). Bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences from the Federal University of Amazonas (2005). Bachelor's degree in Portuguese Language from the Lutheran University of Brazil (2004). Bachelor's degree in Tourism from the Integrated Center of Higher Education of Amazonas (2000). Teacher of Sciences in Middle School - Municipal Secretary of Education (SEMED) and from the State Secretary of Education and Quality of Teaching (SEDUC). Member of the Research Group for Innovative Alternatives for Teaching Natural Sciences in the Amazon (AIECAM - UEA).


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How to Cite

BERDUGO, Aura Karina Torres; BARRETO, Antonio Sarmento; KALHIL, Josefina Diosdada Barrera; BOTELHO, Sandra de Oliveira. Physics issues linked to biology teaching: interdisciplinary relations from the perspective of high school teachers. Revista Prática Docente (Journal Practice Teacher), [s. l.], vol. 9, p. e24031, 2025. DOI: 10.23926/RPD.2024.v9.e24031.id1049. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2025.



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