Supervised Internship, Analysis of Practices, Teaching Knowledge, Biomedicine, DeviceAbstract
This work aims to identify and analyze the knowledge mobilized in the practice of a mandatory internship supervisor of the Biomedicine course at a private institution in the interior of São Paulo. For this, we opted for the exploratory and analytical descriptive study, with a qualitative approach that involves the reporting of routines as a technique. An analysis of the knowledge mobilized in practice was based on the four actions of critical reflection: description, information, confrontation and reconstruction. Among the results, it was observed that the plurality of knowledge that occurs simultaneously and guides teaching practice. Consequently, there was an emerging model of training given by the triad: reflection, research and criticism. As the challenge, it emerges that an area of the internship needs the inclusion of integrality and humanization to break the limits of fragmented formation. In conclusion, an analysis of practices must be considered not only a device that allows the identification of a mobilization of knowledge, but also the construction of an epistemology of professional practice.
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