Decoloniality, Amazon, Teaching, MusicAbstract
This study discusses the “marks” of coloniality present in the song “Belém-Pará-Brasil”, by the Band Mosaico de Ravena, composed by Edmar da Rocha, with the objective of bringing possibilities to the critical social-environmental discussion in the school environment, precisely on the unveiling of the “marks” of coloniality present in this song. We used thematic analysis of content to unveil these marks. The song, here considered as an object of study, presents an outburst in the form of socio-environmental criticism to the events that still insist happen in the Amazon. Basically three analytical categories are presented: those dealing with occupation of the Amazon, invisibility of the amazonian populations and the discourse developmental, the stereotypes created about the Amazon region and the amazonian populations and, finally, the incorporation of alien cultures by the inhabitants of the region. Such aspects are the result of colonial domination, still present in the region. The music in question, when used in the classroom, can be a decolonial practice, with pedagogical potential for the construction of another vision of the Amazon, different from the Eurocentric view.
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