Mathematics Education in Higher Education, Limit of a function, Three Worlds of MathematicsAbstract
The concept of limit of a function is conceived with one of the main, and also one of the most complex in the work with the disciplines of Differential and Integral Calculus (CDI), being the basis for learning the concept of derivative, for example. In this sense, in order to understand how students who have already studied a CDI discipline understand this concept, this study aims to analyze the characteristics of the Three Worlds of Mathematics proposed by Tall (2004; 2013) that students of two Mathematics Degree courses mobilize when solving questions involving the concept of limit. For that, a test with seven questions was proposed to the fourteen students of two courses of Mathematics Degree of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, of which, three are analyzed in this text, in view of the proposed theoretical framework. It can be concluded that most of the students present weak conceptual images in relation to this concept, being their learning based mainly on the characteristics of Conceptual Embodied World.
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