



Professional education, Technological university, Educational policies


The professional education in Brazil has historically been linked to the pragmatism in the formation allied to the desired insertion to the productive environment independently of the time. This article aims to discuss, starting from the bibliographical research, government policies for Higher Education, especially from the middle of the twentieth century and decisively at the beginning of the following century, with the alleged search for the university's approach to society in general, Similarly instrumentalizes the utilitarian character of the discourse-based knowledge of development. It also focuses on the current configuration of Vocational and Technological Education, involving the aspects that constituted this proposal, especially the interventions of international agencies having the MEC-USAID Agreement and the Atcon Report as a support providing the advance of the conservative modernization of educational institutions. The most recent face of this historical process is the proposal of the technological university, currently being implemented at UTFPR and in the Federal Institutes.


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Author Biographies

Belmiro Marcos Beloni , UTFPR

Mestre em Geografia – UNICENTRO. Técnico em Assuntos Educacionais – UTFPR

Pierre Alves Costa , UFF

Doutor em História – UFF. Docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia UNICENTRO

Hélvio Alexandre Mariano , UNESP

Doutor em História – UNESP. Professor do Departamento de História UNICENTRO


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CORRÊA LEITE, J. C.(org.). UTFPR: uma história de 100 anos, 1. ed. Curitiba: Ed. UTFPR, 2010.

FÁVERO, M. L .A. Da universidade “Modernizada” à Universidade Disciplinada: Atcon e Meira Mattos. São Paulo: Cortez Editora, 1991.

FREITAG, B. Política Educacional e Indústria Cultural. São Paulo: Cortez Editora, Autores Associados, 1989.

GRAMSCI, A. Maquiavel, a política e o Estado Moderno. 6 ed. Rio de Janeiro. Civilização Brasileira, 1987.

NEVES, L. M. W. PRONKO, M. A. O mercado do conhecimento e o conhecimento para o mercado. Rio, EPSJV, 2008. – Dilemas do Brasil no novo milênio. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2007.

UNIVERSIDADE TECNOLÓGICA FEDERAL DO PARANÁ. Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional 2009-2013. Disponível em < > Acesso em 23 out. 2012.

UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Aliança para o Progresso. Recursos Humanos para o desenvolvimento. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Carlos Chagas, 1965.



How to Cite

MARCOS BELONI , Belmiro; ALVES COSTA , Pierre; ALEXANDRE MARIANO , Hélvio. THE FUNCTIONALITY OF VOCATIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION: A CONSTRUCTION DEPENDENT. Revista Prática Docente (Journal Practice Teacher), [s. l.], vol. 2, no. 2, p. 351–365, 2017. DOI: 10.23926/RPD.2526-2149.2017.v2.n2.p351-365.id59. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.



Human sciences and their technologies