Multiliteracy in Early Childhood Education: use of the 'Tablet Desk' in learning development





Early Childhood Education, Multiliteracy, Tablet desk, Learning


This article aims to examine the importance of multiliteracy in Early Childhood Education, focusing on the use of the "tablet table" as a technological tool and exploring how this perspective significantly impacts the learning process of children. Using a qualitative approach with a case study, the research seeks observed results in the school environment and analyzes the data through Bardin's Content Analysis (2016). The results highlight the interaction of children with the "tablet table" in the educational setting. It is concluded that it is feasible to promote a comprehensive teaching and learning process involving multiliteracy for student development. This approach emphasizes the importance of strategies that encourage autonomy, social interaction, creativity, and critical thinking, highlighting the effectiveness of introducing technologies such as the "tablet table" for new learning opportunities and knowledge construction.


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Author Biographies

Thais Rodrigues Martins, Universidade de Cuiabá - UNIC

Mestranda em Ensino da Universidade de Cuiabá (PPGEn/UNIC-IFMT).

Professora da Secretaria Municipal de Cuiabá (SME) e da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Esporte e Lazer de Várzea Grande (SMECEL).

Cilene Maria Lima Antunes Maciel, Universidade de Cuiabá

Doutorado em Inovação e Sistema Educativo pela Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona e Pós-Doutorado em Ensino pela Universidade Norte do Paraná- UNOPAR

Professora do Mestrado Acadêmico em Ensino - Universidade de Cuiabá - UNIC


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How to Cite

MARTINS, Thais Rodrigues; MACIEL, Cilene Maria Lima Antunes. Multiliteracy in Early Childhood Education: use of the ’Tablet Desk’ in learning development. Revista Prática Docente (Journal Practice Teacher), [s. l.], vol. 9, p. e24001, 2024. DOI: 10.23926/RPD.2024.v9.e24001.id669. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Human sciences and their technologies