About the Journal
The Journal Revista Prática Docente (RPD) is a free publication of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the State of Mato Grosso, campus Confresa. Its aims to give visibility to the scientific production in the areas of Education contributing to the consolidation of teaching, research and extension, as well as to act as an instrument for the dissemination of studies and research carried out by national and international authors and / or groups. Therefore, the journal publishes works in the areas that support the pillars of Education, in the following areas: Human sciences and their technologies; Nature sciences and their technologies; Languages, codes and their technologies and Mathematics and its technologies, in national and international institutions.
Prefixo DOI: 10.23926
ISSN: 2526-2149
Qualis 2013-2016: B2 Ensino, B5 Ciências Ambientais, B5 Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais e C Química.
Focus and Scope
The journal Revista Prática Docente (RPD) of the IFMT-Campus Confresa accepts scientific article/papers and experience report unpublished in the fields that underpin the pillars of Education in the following areas: human sciences and their technologies; nature sciences and their technologies; linguistics, codes and their technologies and mathematics and their technologies, which are unpublished and are not being presented simultaneously in another periodical. When submitting their work to the journal Revista Prática Docente (RPD), the author (s) automatically assign their copyright for eventual publication of the article.
Ethics policy and good practices in publishing
Revista Prática Docente is a journal with scientific arbitration, which aims to ensure the highest ethical standards in publication. Thus, the agreement of the agents involved in the publication process - Editors, Editorial Board, Ad hoc Referees and Authors - related to the standards of ethical behavior is relevant and necessary. Taking as a reference the Code of Conduct and Standards of Good Practice for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Peer Review Process
All papers submitted undergo an anti-plagiarism software before being sent to the evaluators. In case of detection of plagiarism, the submitted article will be archived.
To ensure the integrity of blind peer evaluation for submissions to the journal, we must take every possible precaution to not disclose the identity of authors and reviewers between them during the process. This requires that authors, editors, and evaluators (who are able to send documents to the system as part of the evaluation process) take some care with the text and properties of the document:
- The author(s) of the document delete his/her name(s) from the paper, replacing with “Author” only, and the year in references and footnotes, instead of names of authors, title of article, etc.
- In Microsoft Office documents, an author ID must be removed from the document properties (in the menu File> Properties), starting with File, in the main menu, clicking on the following sequence: File> Save as ...> Tools (or Options on Mac)> Security Options ...> Remove personal information from the file when saving> OK> Save.
All evaluation of papers submitted in the RPD is done by two reviewers and, if one reviewers gives a positive evaluation and another gives a negative one, a third reviewer will be called. The results will be: Accepted, Accepted with corrections or Rejected. The final opinion sent to the author is the responsibility of the section editor.
The evaluation form contains the following items:
Does the work contemplate the scope of the Journal RDP?*
Contribution to the area of knowledge*
Technical merit*
Organization and presentation*
About the introduction*
About the objectives*
About the methodology*
About the results and discussion*
About the references*
General comments*
Publication Frequency
From 2020, the magazine publishes three annual volumes. The first volume being published in April, the second volume in August and the third volume in December. Before 2020, the magazine published two annual volumes.
For articles to be published in the first annual issue, the deadline is february 15 of each year.
For articles to be published in the second annual issue, the deadline is june 15 of each year.
For articles to be published in the third annual issue, the deadline is october 15 of each year.
Articles submitted after the deadline will only be forwarded to reviewers after the corresponding issue has been published. If the evaluation process is not completed within the established deadline, it will be published in the next issue.
Open Access Policy
This journal offers free access to its content, following the principle that the availability of the scientific knowledge to the public offers greater democratization of knowledge worldwide.
The Journal also does not charge authors fees for publication. (APCs)
Plagiarism Free Policy
This journal uses free software to detect plagiarism. Papers that contain signs of plagiarism will be promptly rejected and filed.
The policy for preserving and archiving digital files of Revista Prática Docente is defined by: (1) storage on the server of the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso (IFMT); (2) external HD storage from the Research and Graduate Coordination of IFMT - Campus Confresa; (3) storage at Crossref through DOI and OJS; (4) storage in Google Drive of Revista Prática Docente. In addition, (5) this magazine uses the LOCKSS and CLOCKSSsystem to create a file system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent magazine files for preservation and restoration.
Prof. Thiago Beirigo Lopes
E-mail: revistapraticadocente@cfs.ifmt.edu.br
Av. Vilmar Fernandes, 300 - Bairro Santa Luzia
CEP: 78.652-000
Confresa - MT