Contextualization, Interdisciplinarity, Elementary SchoolAbstract
This article aims to present the results of a professional master's research, which was developed in the context of students of the 5th year of Elementary School, from the application of a didactic sequence, approaching science contents, which contributes to the initiation of scientific literacy of the students. participating students. It was assumed that the epistemological guidelines of the CTS/CTSA (Science, Technology, Society and Environment) approach contribute to the scientific literacy of students in the Initial Years, as well as providing greater contextualization and meaning to activities. The theme “Science in my everyday life” was elaborated in a didactic sequence based on Teaching by Investigation and in the three pedagogical moments. Data were collected through observation, photographs, written records and post-test. The main results indicate that the activities of the didactic sequence contributed to the progressive advancement of students' knowledge, in relation to the area of science and initiation to scientific literacy, and also contributed to making learning more contextualized and interdisciplinary.
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