



Digital technology, Teaching, Educational Policy, Common National Curricular Base, Competencies


The objective of this article is to identify the guidelines and incentives to the use of digital technologies present in the BNCC. To respond to this scenario, a documentary and bibliographic research was used to survey, collect and analyze the data in a qualitative way. In this sense, we first grounded the discussions about the BNCC and digital technologies, and also highlighted their imbrications with teaching. And finally, we scrutinized the text of the BNCC, in order to identify and list the instigations and references to the use of digital technologies that are present in this normative corpus. As a result of the research, we identified that the BNCC guides and encourages the use of digital technologies throughout basic education. This guidance is based on three basic topics: the general competencies; specific competencies by area; and, the item called digital technologies and computing. Regarding the first topic, competencies 4 and 5 stands out. In the second, we have that all curricular components are oriented towards the use of digital technologies. And in the third, the importance of the appropriation of digital technologies by the student is highlighted, not only for his school studies but also for his daily life. We conclude that the BNCC guides and encourages students and teachers to appropriate and use digital technologies, considering that they are present in all fields of human activity, and that education cannot be detached from this.


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Author Biographies

João Ferreira Sobrinho Junior, UFPE

Mestrado em Ciência da Computação (UFPE) Técnico em Assuntos Educacionais (UFG) Discente da Pós-Graduação em História (UFG)

Cristina de Cassia Pereira Moraes, UFG

Doutorado em História das Ideias (Universidade Nova de Lisboa/Portugal) Professora Adjunta da Faculdade de História (UFG) Professora da Pós-Graduação em História (UFG)


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How to Cite

SOBRINHO JUNIOR, João Ferreira; PEREIRA MORAES, Cristina de Cassia. ORIENTATIONS AND INSTIGATIONS PRESENT IN THE COMMON NATIONAL CURRICULAR BASE REGARDING THE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING. Revista Prática Docente (Journal Practice Teacher), [s. l.], vol. 6, no. 3, p. e079, 2021. DOI: 10.23926/RPD.2021.v6.n3.e079.id1248. Disponível em: https://periodicos.cfs.ifmt.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/rpd/article/view/291. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Human sciences and their technologies