Scholar Evasion, Word of Work, Educacional ProductAbstract
The present article aims to present an educational product in comic books, titled “Conversation between friend”, developed based on the results of the research “Scholar evasion in professionalizing technical education: a case study at the Federal Goiano Institute – Campus Ceres”. The referred research was based on the analysis of determinant factors to the occurrence of the evasion from the Technical Course in Subsequent / Concomitant Informatics nocturnal of the Goiano Federal Institute – Campus Ceres and in the perception of the students, professors and pedagogic team of these phenomena. It was observed in the development of the presented material, aspects related to the development of educational products, establishing some units of meaning among the Professional and Technological Education (PTE), the comic books and the world of work. As results, it can be emphasized that the comic books are available in a digital platform, with the possibility of mirroring other practices, encouraging the development of actions that seek to reduce the evasion indexes in the researched course and contributing to the teenagers and adults that starts PTE do not stop the training paths during the scholar journey and to those who live of the job, proceed the studies.
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