



Teaching strategy, Teaching chemistry, Simulated trial


This study describes the jury simulation on the use of pesticides by local agricultural production as a strategy to teach chemistry to students of the third year of high school at the Sol Nascente school in Confresa / MT. This is an experience report, with a qualitative approach, developed in 2018 and involving 11 duly enrolled students of this class. The choice of this theme was due to the repercussion of the Bill that changes the legislation on pesticides in Brazil. Before the simulated jury was held, the students were motivated to research the subject. The roles of the court were defined. Everyone was engaged in the development of research so they could play well the role for which they assumed in the simulation. At the end of the simulation, the jurors decided for the conviction of the farmer who used pesticides, by five votes in favor and two against. This strategy allowed to discuss concepts and consequences caused by chemical substances present in agrochemicals. With the development of this activity it is possible to affirm that the involvement by the studies and the search for information to support arguments was very constructive for the understanding of the chemistry, starting from the reality of the man of the field.


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Author Biographies

Geaneis Pereira da Silva, IFMT

Especialista em Ensino de Ciências (IFMT)

Marcelo Franco Leão, UFRGS

Doutor em Educação em Ciências (UFRGS). Professor EBTT (IFMT)


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How to Cite

PEREIRA DA SILVA, Geaneis; FRANCO LEÃO, Marcelo. IN JUDGMENT, THE USE OF PESTICIDES: STRATEGY USED TO TEACH CHEMISTRY TO STUDENTS OF THE 3RD YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL IN A RURAL SCHOOL. Revista Prática Docente (Journal Practice Teacher), [s. l.], vol. 3, no. 2, p. 610–624, 2018. DOI: 10.23926/RPD.2526-2149.2018.v3.n2.p610-624.id262. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Natural sciences and their technologies