Teaching, Reading, Production of audiovisual textAbstract
It is a fact that with the evolution of pedagogical practices, other ways of teaching and learning are emerging, as the use of technological tools such as minute-video. The theme of the video-minute remained focused on the issue of the identity of Afro-descendants who do not expose what they think about the situation of black people in Brazil. Thus, the research aimed to verify and describe the use of the digital video-minute genre as a means to enable Afro-descendant students against the racism they face at school and in their daily lives. The methodology adopted was action research, with a qualitative nature, resorting to referential and fictional reading in the classroom. The theorists who guided the approach that supported this dissertation were Bakhtin (2000), Bronckart (2007), Marcuschi (2008), Almeida (2019), Quijano (2005) and Schwarcz (1993); in addition to the BNCC (2018). With the development of this dissertation, it is expected to foster more discussions about black people in Brazil, stimulate students' opinion about their own context.
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