Professional and Technological Education, Work as an Educational Principle, Worker TrainingAbstract
The article in question comes from the subject "Research in Education" taken at the PPGE UNEMAT Cáceres - MT, and aims to develop a historical and critical reflection on the main epistemological and methodological assumptions whose contributions to educational research evidence their indispensable relevance and pertinence in educational research for decades, in the most varied academic centers. Epistemological currents such as positivism, historical and dialectical materialism, phenomenology and structuralism and poststructuralism, as well as their specific methodologies, will be briefly explored in the text in order to demonstrate their implications in the field of education. Thus, we approach some concepts, problems and typical characteristics, in addition to their main authors and reference theorists. Methodologically, this is a qualitative bibliographical research, whose results show that the process of knowledge construction requires that the practice of research is articulated with methodical rigor.
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