



Pre-service teacher education, In-service teacher education, Professional teaching practices


This bibliographic study aims to investigate aspects that influence the constitution and modification of the mathematics teachers’ practice. By carrying out two searches on the Capes Periodicals Portal, one with the terms future teacher and mathematics and the other with teacher practice and mathematics, 24 articles were selected whose inductive analysis of keywords and objectives gave rise to three themes: i) Pre-service and In-service teacher education; ii) Collaborative environments; and iii) Didactic and technological resources. The results suggest that collaborative environments, in which teachers and prospective teachers can interact and share knowledge, beliefs and experiences, compose the essence of the processes of constitution and change of the teacher's practice. It is concluded, therefore, that collaborative actions should be promoted in the initial and continuing education of Mathematics teachers, because they allow us to rethink aspects of teaching practice and the very meaning of Mathematics, in a social perspective of professional teaching learning.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Pereira de Oliveira Rossa, UNESPAR

Master in Mathematics Education (UNESPAR) Teacher of Basic Education in the state of Paraná

Everton José Goldoni Estevam, UNESPAR

PhD in Science Teaching and Mathematics Education (UEL) Adjunct Professor at the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR) Professor of the Graduate Program in Mathematics Education (PRPGEM/UNESPAR)


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA ROSSA, Eduardo Pereira de; GOLDONI ESTEVAM, Everton José. (RE)CONSTITUIÇÃO DA PRÁTICA PROFISSIONAL DO PROFESSOR QUE ENSINA MATEMÁTICA. Revista Prática Docente (Journal Practice Teacher), [s. l.], vol. 7, no. 2, p. e22056, 2022. DOI: 10.23926/RPD.2022.v7.n2.e22056.id1512. Disponível em: http://periodicos.cfs.ifmt.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/rpd/article/view/243. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Mathematics and its technologies